Saturday 12 January 2008

Taiwan Legislative Election


  1. Taiwan’s Chen resigns as party chairman after legislative election rout

    TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian resigned as chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party Saturday, in the wake of the party’s landslide defeat in legislative elections.

    “I should shoulder all responsibilities,” Chen said. “I am resigning now as DPP chairman. I feel really apologetic and shamed.”

  2. Opposition scores big win in Taiwan legislative elections

    TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taiwan’s opposition Nationalist Party scored a landslide victory in legislative elections Saturday, dealing a stinging blow to the government’s hard-line China policies just two months before a crucial presidential poll.

    The results were a clear humiliation for President Chen Shui-bian, who has been criticized for aggravating relations with Beijing by promoting policies to formalize Taiwan’s de facto independence from China. Critics say that has allowed the island’s once-vibrant economy to lose competitiveness, and has ratcheted up tension in the perennially edgy Taiwan Strait.

    The March 22 presidential election to chose a successor to Chen, who must step down after eight years in office, pits Frank Hsieh of Chen’s Democratic Progressive Party against the Nationalists’ Ma Ying-jeou. Recent opinion polls give Ma a 20-point lead.

    The Nationalists favour more active engagement with China and do not rule out eventual unification. The DPP wants to make official the independence Taiwan has had since a civil war nearly 60 years ago, but has held back due to fears that Beijing would make good on its repeated threats to attack.

    With most votes counted, TV station San Li projected the Nationalists would win 82 seats in the 113-seat legislature, against only 27 for the DPP, with four going to independents. In Taiwan’s bitterly partisan media environment, San Li is a strong DPP supporter.

    The legislature was halved in size, from 225 seats, under electoral reforms approved by voters in 2005. Even so, on a proportional basis the DPP’s showing and that of the allied Taiwan Solidarity Union were the parties’ worst performance in an island-wide election since 2001.

    If the Nationalists go on to recapture the presidency, they will be in a strong position to end years of deadlock between Taiwan’s legislative and executive branches, and to stabilize the island’s rocky relations with China.

    Taiwan specialist Shelley Rigger of North Carolina’s Davidson College said it was still possible for Hsieh to win the presidency - but only if he distances himself from Chen, whose approval rating has plummeted amid a series of debilitating corruption scandals and a sputtering economy.

    “Hsieh needs to pull himself out of the shadow of Chen Shui-bian and run his own campaign,” Rigger said. “He needs to convince people that he is different from the rest of the party.”

    During Chen’s two terms as president, the Nationalists used a slender legislative majority to block many of his policy initiatives, including the purchase of a multibillion-dollar (euro) package of U.S. weapons. Also left stagnating have been negotiations to open direct air and shipping routes between Taiwan and China.

    Ma took a high-profile role in the legislative campaign, pressing home his message that Chen’s reluctance to engage China inflamed tensions with Beijing and hurt the island’s economy - one of the 20 largest in the world. Taiwan is also a major research and manufacturing base for the computer industry.

    Ma also drew attention to American unhappiness with Chen’s China policies. Twenty-nine years after it shifted recognition from Taipei to Beijing, the U.S. remains Taiwan’s most important foreign partner, supplying it with the means to defend itself against any future Chinese attack.

    But Washington has made it clear it finds Chen’s China policies dangerous and provocative - particularly a planned referendum on Taiwanese membership in the United Nations, which appears designed to underscore the island’s political separateness from the mainland.

    In contrast to Ma, Hsieh maintained a relatively low profile in the legislative campaign, apparently because of his ambivalence over Chen’s pro-independence stance.

    Hsieh hews to the DPP’s pro-independence line in principle, but has made it clear he rejects some of Chen’s hard-line policies, including his moves to limit Taiwanese economic ties to the mainland.

    He has come out in favour of ditching Chen’s across-the-board requirement that Taiwanese companies limit their investments in China to less 40 percent of their asset value. He has also indicated a willingness to expand direct charter flights across the Taiwan Strait.

    Ma and the Nationalists go considerably further. They want to remove the asset requirement altogether, and sanction scheduled flights between China and Taiwan.

    Recent polling shows the importance of economic issues for Taiwanese voters.

    A December survey carried out by Taipei-based CommonWealth Magazine put Taiwan’s economic dissatisfaction level at 72 percent, with a majority of the 1,090 respondents - 52 percent - convinced that the island’s economy is regressing.

    The telephone survey had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

  3. Taiwan’s KMT trounces DPP in legislature poll

    TAIPEI - Taiwan’s main opposition Nationalist Party thrashed the ruling DPP in legislative elections on Saturday, strengthening its bid to recapture the presidency in March and heralding better relations with China.

    With all the votes counted, the KMT had won 81 seats in the 113-member parliament, or 72 percent, according to the Central Election Commission. The ruling Democratic Progressive Party won just 27 seats, or 24 percent, the rest going to other parties.

    Chen Shui-bian, Taiwan’s president since 2000, resigned as DPP chairman when the magnitude of his party’s loss became clear, saying he should take responsibility for its defeat.

    The KMT and its allied People First Party had previously held 49 percent of the seats in the larger 225-seat legislature, while the DPP and its allies held about 42 percent.

    Many voters blame the DPP for allowing Taiwan’s economy to languish under Chen.

    Chen’s family members and closest aides have also been embroiled in a series of scandals over the past year, plunging the party into its worst crisis since it was founded in 1986.

    “This is the biggest failure since the founding of the DPP and as chairman I should take responsibility,” Chen said. “I should shoulder the biggest responsibility ... We will have even bigger challenges ahead,” he added, referring to the presidential election in March.

    The KMT won its landslide victory “because Taiwanese people have used their wisdom to vote against corruption and incompetence in the government,” said Tsai Chin-lung, who won a seat in Taichung for the party. “Taiwanese people are really outraged with what the government is doing,” he said.

    The result shows that the people of Taiwan want change, said Chao Chien-min, professor at National Chengchi University. “The second thing is the economy: Chen Shui-bian doesn’t understand the economy. He always thinks it’s OK just to be political.”


    The newly elected parliament will be half the size of its predecessor, which had 225 seats, to boost efficiency and the accountability of each legislator.

    The DPP acknowledged early on that it could not win control of the new chamber, but had been aiming to win 50 seats.

    Stagnant wages, rising prices and jobs were among the major issues in the legislative election, whose result could augur well for KMT presidential nominee Ma Ying-jeou, due to face the DPP’s Frank Hsieh in the March 22 presidential poll.

    Voters also faced two single-issue ballots, but many snubbed them as too partisan.

    One asked whether the KMT should return any improperly acquired assets to the government, and the other asked whether parliament should investigate allegations of high-level corruption among government officials.

    Each measure needed the support of half the registered electorate to be valid, but neither came close to the threshold.

    Voters in March will be presented with a more contentious DPP-sponsored referendum asking Taiwanese whether Taiwan should try to join the United Nations under the name Taiwan. The United States and others have criticised the initiative as an attempt to upset the status quo between Taiwan and China.

    The KMT, which once ruled all of China, favours closer economic ties and more dialogue with Beijing after eight stormy years of rule by the independence-leaning DPP.

    China and Taiwan have been ruled separately since defeated KMT forces fled to the island at the end of the civil war in 1949. Beijing has vowed to bring Taiwan back under its rule, by force if necessary.

  4. 蒋经国的历史资产




















  5. KMT must ride momentum to retake Taiwan presidency

    TAIPEI - A landslide victory in Taiwan’s legislative polls gave the opposition Kuomintang a fresh mandate to control parliament, but it needs to ride that momentum to retake the presidency in March, newspapers said on Sunday.

    While KMT candidate Ma Ying-jeou is frontrunner for the March presidential election, the party that once governed the whole of China must act quickly to capitalise on Saturday’s trouncing of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party .

    “The Kuomintang’s landslide victory cannot be translated into a sure win for Ma in that race,” the China Post said in an editorial.

    “The ruling party will be trying to lick its wounds after such a heavy loss in yesterday’s election, hoping for a pendulum effect to help them to beat the Kuomintang a little more than two months from now,” the English-language paper said.

    The KMT, or Nationalist Party, won 72 percent of the vote on Saturday, taking 81 seats in the newly streamlined 113-member chamber.

    This sweeping victory strengthens its bid to regain the presidency after eight years of Chen Shui-bian, the pro-independence leader who must step down this year. A KMT presidency would herald better relations with China as the party favours closer economic ties and more dialogue with Beijing.

    There was no immediate official comment from China after Saturday’s elections. Beijing insists Taiwan is a breakaway province which must return to mainland rule, and has threatened to use force to prevent a formal move towards independence.

    A combination of Taiwan’s lacklustre economic performance and a string of scandals plaguing the DPP helped boost the KMT vote on Saturday, but the China Times newspaper urged the Nationalists not to be complacent.

    “The Taiwan people used their votes to teach the DPP a lesson and also give the KMT a chance,” the Chinese-language China Times said, adding that the KMT should be humble while the DPP should reflect on its record.

    While the DPP won just 27 seats, or 24 percent, the rest going to smaller groups, analysts said it was too early to write off the party completely.

    DPP presidential candidate Frank Hsieh vowed on Sunday to do his best to win the March elections.

    “One party dominating three quarters of the parliament is not conducive to Taiwan democracy,” he told reporters.

    Analysts said Hsieh was likely to take over as party chairman after President Chen resigned to take responsibility for Saturday’s loss. Chen left Taiwan on Sunday on a visit to diplomatic allies Guatemala and Saint Lucia.

    The newly elected parliament has been cut to half the size of its predecessor, which had 225 seats, in an effort to reduce corruption and boost efficiency.

    As is standard, the cabinet led by Premier Chang Chun-hsiung will resign en masse on January 28 before the new legislature convenes at the beginning of February.

    Taiwan’s political separation from the Chinese mainland dates back to the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949 when Mao Zedong’s Communist armies swept to victory and the defeated Kuomintang set up their rival government on the island.

  6. TAIPEI, Jan 12 (Reuters) - The resounding win by Taiwan's China-friendly Nationalist Party (KMT) in Saturday's legislative elections should boost the local stock market, as investors look forward to a reduction in cross-strait tensions, analysts said.

    The flow of funds into stocks could draw money out of the bond market in the short term, while the Taiwan dollar will likely be supported if stocks rise from the vote, seen by many as a call for change from Taiwan's electorate, according to other analysts in those markets.

    On Friday, the main TAIEX stock index fell 0.35 percent, while the Taiwan dollar ended T$0.021 stronger at T$32.466 to the U.S. dollar.

    With all the votes counted, the main opposition KMT picked up 81 seats in the 113 member parliament, or 72 percent. Its chief rival, the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), picked up just 27 seats, or 24 percent.

    The KMT, which once ruled all of China, favours closer economic ties and more dialogue with Beijing leaders after eight stormy years of rule by the independence-leaning DPP under President Chen Shui-bian.

    "The KMT's win will start to get people looking forward to a win by the party in the March presidential election," said Kevin Lin, vice president at Marbo Securities Consulting. "This should help promote an easing of cross-strait relations."

    But he added the stock market will be limited in the near term due to a recent run-up, added with a sell-off on Wall Street -- from which Taiwan often takes its cues -- on Friday.

    Beyond Asset Management Managing Director Michael On said stocks could initially rise when trading begins on Monday, but will probably fall after that.

    "The election's influence should be relatively short term, and the stock market will eventually reflect the environment," On said.

    The flow of money into stocks could put short-term pressure on the bond market, pushing yields up, said Ernest Lee, fixed income manager at Mega Securities.

    "The stock market celebration could be one or two days," he said. "Financial markets will have the same view on the economy's broader future." The Taiwan dollar should be well supported as it had been tracking the domestic stock market over the past month, dealers said.

  7. 政府基金護八千 下禁賣令

    杜蕙蓉/台北報導 (2008-01-11)







  8. 去年外資淨匯入 創五年新低

    薛翔之/台北報導 (2008-01-11)







  9. 政治烏雲退散 台股弱中帶強 短線有反彈








    張志榮/台北報導 (2008-01-13)


      雖然外資圈選前對國民黨取得過半席次有高度期待,但與港商里昂證券台灣區研究部主管蘇廷翰(Peter Sutton)所預估的六三至六八席相較,八一席是明顯大勝,也讓外資圈「鬆了一口氣」!



