China criticizes Japan over comments doubting Nanjing massacre

China's Foreign Ministry has criticized remarks by a board member of Japan's state broadcaster who said a massacre carried out by Japanese troops in China's then-capital of Nanjing in 1937 did not happen.

China furious at Japan NHK manager's Nanjing denial

China reacted furiously on Wednesday to the denial of the Nanjing massacre by a senior manager at Japan's national broadcaster, calling his remarks "a barefaced challenge to international justice".

Tuesday 4 February 2014

NHK manager’s Nanjing denial no problem, says Japan government

Countries in the world ignored the propaganda ... that Japan’s troops carried out a massacre in Nanjing. Why? There was no such thing. - Naoki Hyakuta

That's why Japan cannot and will not be forgiven.

Foreign education no guarantee of success in China job market

Record numbers of newly minted university graduates are returning to the mainland to a job market not overly impressed with all their efforts

Monday 3 February 2014

China says no cover-ups using state secrecy as excuse

China has unveiled new rules telling officials not to cover up what should be publicly available information using the excuse it is a state secret, in what state media said was a move towards greater government transparency.

Chinese firms march to Beijing’s austerity beat

Airlines, high-end hotels and eateries cutting prices, catering to masses now

Sunday 2 February 2014

Japan upset by South Korean ‘comfort women’ comics at French show

Japan has expressed its “regret” at a South Korean exhibit at an international comic book festival in France featuring “comfort women” forced into wartime sex slavery in Japanese military brothels.