Friday 17 May 2013

Some Chinese tourists are ‘uncivilised’, says vice premier

The dire manners and “uncivilised behaviour” of some Chinese tourists abroad are harming the country’s image, said a top official who lamented their poor “quality and breeding”, according to state-run media.

Japanese tabloids’ reports of tourist sex habits ‘vent anti-Chinese feeling’

Japanese tabloids’ claims of ban from red-light districts ‘an outlet for anti-Chinese sentiment’

Japan WWII ‘comfort women’ were ‘necessary’ - Hashimoto

A prominent Japanese politician has described as “necessary” the system by which women were forced to become prostitutes for World War II troops.

Job prospects grim for China’s 7m fresh graduates

Experts warn of mass layoffs if economy keeps slowing down

The Son also Rises: nepotism doesn’t disappear in China, it just gets a promotion

The history of graft in China has come full circle amid reports of children of powerful officials stepping into their parents’ shoes