Chinese grads leaving big cities looking for lower living costs

More than 22 percent of college graduates in China choose to leave Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou after three years of toiling in those megacities, where the opportunities are becoming scarcer.

Property price surge ‘cannot go on forever’

Khaw Boon Wan addresses issue close to heart of Singaporeans as H2 land sales programme is released

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Leftover women in Hong Kong to look for Mr. Right in mainland China

“剩女” Shengnv (Leftover Women is now a buzzword in China to refer single or unmarried women over the age of 25. There are many different hierarchies of the left-over women. Single women between 25-30 are called “剩斗士” sheng dou shi (Left-over fighters), as women in this age range still have the energy and hope to find true love. Between 30-35, they are called “必剩客” bi sheng ke(pronounced the same as Pizzahut in Chinese, means literally “must win”), suggesting their chances of getting married are pretty small. For those above 35 years old, they are the “齐天大剩” qi tian da sheng (Leftover Kings, pronounced the same as the Monkey King in Chinese literally means heavenly leftover), because they have been viewed by many.

Russia Says IMF Chief Jailed For Discovering All US Gold Is Gone

A new report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Federal Security Service (FSB) says that former International Monetary Fund (IMF) Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was charged and jailed in the US for sex crimes on May 14th after his discovery that all of the gold held in the United States Bullion Depository located at Fort Knox was ‘missing and/or unaccounted’ for.

Read full article

300,000 yuan a square metre? That’s too rich

The owner of Beijing’s No 7 Diaoyutai, branded “the most expensive home in China”, has been ordered to suspend sales of its remaining apartments and submit to official investigation.

Monday 6 June 2011

Hong Kong House Prices May Fall 30% on Rates, Barclays Says

Hong Kong home prices are likely to fall as much as 30 percent as banks increase mortgage rates, according to Barclays Capital Asia Ltd.

China: One nation, many bubbles

Home prices have been driven skyward by cheap money, middle class and city dwellers, but they need to come down

China’s maturing aerospace industry

Beijing has come a long way since building its first plane in the 1960s

Price war looms for shipyards on the mainland

Chinese shipyards could find it more difficult to compete against South Korea and Japanese on price alone if the yuan continues to appreciate against the US dollar, according to a leading ship financier.

China attack on US ‘human rights’ is just a red herring

It has become a ritual that, each year, after the US State Department publishes its report on human rights practices around the world, China responds by issuing a human rights report on the United States. This year was no different.

Chinese turn copper into property gold

Stanchart raises concern over businesses’ use of commodities to secure loans

U.S. regret for 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act

US lawmakers launched a drive on Thursday for Congress to make an official statement of regret for the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, which restricted immigration along racial lines for decades.

Modesty’s value differs East to West

Research on students from China and the US suggests cultural norms colour our attitude on self-effacement

Coaching and Much More for Chinese Students Looking to U.S.

In December 2009, a rejection letter from Columbia University found its way to the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen. It was addressed to Lu Jingyu, a top student and member of her school’s student government. As she read the disheartening words, Ms. Lu immediately began to panic. Where had she gone wrong? How could she fix this?

What is happening to Malaysia’s durians?

I am getting a bit worried about the fate of the King of Fruits in Malaysia. Imagine, if only a fraction of the 1.3 billion people in China decide that they prefer durians over mandarin oranges, will there be any left over for us back home?

China developers to write down asset values

Falling land prices may prompt Chinese property developers to write down the value of their assets, forcing a sober reassessment for those with vast land holdings, according to a survey released Monday by Credit Suisse.

Rampant fake news in mainland China the flip side of authorities’ tight media control

Zhang Xiaomao cites the lack of press freedom on the mainland as the cause

5,000 Families Break Up in China Everyday

The divorce rate in China has increased for 7 consecutive years! According to statistics from China’s civil administration, more than 460,000 couples registered for divorce between January and March this year, increased by 17.1% compared to last year’s statistics, meaning that 5,000 couples get divorced everyday on average.

Sunday 5 June 2011


一个男人,这一生,总得有一辆好车,若干知己, 和一个。。。要不这一辈子就太遗憾了。