Saturday 21 February 2009

Paul Krugman: What will stop the pain?

So people at the Fed are troubled by the same question I’ve been obsessing on lately: What’s supposed to end this slump? No doubt this, too, shall pass - but how, and when?

Housing aid won’t solve U.S. crisis

The U.S. government should just get out of the way and allow the crash in U.S. housing. The market is too big, has too far to fall and Americans’ finances are too strained.

China Starts Investing Globally

With the world suffering through a tight credit market, China has suddenly gone shopping.

Friday 20 February 2009

Stimulus Package Explained

Shortly after class, a student approaches his economics professor and says, “I don’t understand this stimulus bill. Can you explain it to me?”

Some Humour

What is a kiss?
It’s an upper PREPARATION for a lower INVASION that will lead to further PENETRATION with fast ACCELERATION that will build next GENERATION.

Latest Statistics: What men do after sex? 2% eat. 3% smoke cigarettes. 4% take shower.5% go to sleep. 86% get up and go back home to their wives.

Why is your dick better than a credit card?
a) Once spent recharges itself.
b) It is accepted worldwide.
c) You can let your wife use it as much as she wants.

LITTLE GIRL: Mommy, I just found out that our neighbour’s son has a penis like a peanut!
MUM: You mean it’s small?
LITTLE GIRL: No it’s salty.

Women top 5 lies:
e) I am a virgin.
d) It is so big.
c) I can’t do that to my best friend.
b) I won’t gain weight after marriage
a) I am coming! I am coming!

A guy goes up to a girl in a bar and says: You want to play magic.
She says: What is that?
He says: We go Home, screw, and then you disappear.

What is the closest thing to a woman’s period?
Your SALARY... It comes once a month, lasts 4 or 5 days, and if it doesn’t come, you are F*CKED!!!

Teacher asked: Which part of the body goes to heaven first?
A Kid replied: The legs, because every night I see my mum’s legs up high and screaming “OH GOD! I’M COMING”.

Teacher: Why did you bring your cat to school?
Pupil: Because I heard my sister’s boyfriend say “TONIGHT I WILL EAT YOUR PUSSY”.

MUM: Didn’t I tell you if stranger touches your breast say “DON’T”.
And if he touches your pussy say STOP!
GIRL: But mum, he touched both, so I told him: DON’T STOP!

Birth Transfer Pain

Excellent joke. Read the comments.

Migrants may flee Tibet as tourism stalls

Many workers and traders from other ethnic groups who moved to the remote region in search of a better living said they were considering leaving for good, driven away by the tourism slump and icy anger of local Tibetans.

Mengniu Dairy product is target of fresh inquiry

The mainland’s product quality watchdog says it is investigating the safety of a premium dairy product made by the country’s top milk producer, China Mengniu Dairy.

Memory chip trader gets 14 years for bank fraud

He admits to charges involving US$23 million in fake-trade swindle

Media giants race to expand online services

Government outlets shamed into pursuing greater internet presence

Japan ‘warned’ over disputed Diaoyu islands

Beijing said it had issued a sharp warning to Tokyo over media reports that Japan had positioned patrol vessels capable of carrying helicopters near a disputed island chain.

Graduates wishing for job ‘offer’ come a-calling at temples

Beleaguered university graduates are turning to Guangzhou’s temples of the reclining Buddha to boost their dim job prospects in the hope that a homonym will give them an edge in the labour market.

Foreign visitors barred from areas with big Tibetan populations

Western areas of the country with large Tibetan populations have been declared off limits to foreign visitors, local officials confirmed yesterday, ahead of the politically sensitive 50th anniversary of the failed Tibetan uprising.

DC rates may be cut in unforgiving market

One hot discussion topic is whether govt will revert to 50% formula for DC calculation in face of recession

China riots ‘won’t lead to rebellion’

The number of protests and riots in China is rising by the year, but there is little possibility that social unrest will result in an anti-government uprising, a Chinese academic said yesterday.

China detains building chief in TV complex blaze

In a spate of arrests announced Thursday, Beijing officials put the blame for a Monday fire that destroyed part of the government’s spectacular new media complex squarely on the shoulders of the state-run television network.

Chen launches essay competition

Former Taiwanese president Chen Shui-bian appears to be doing all he can to liven up his days in detention.

Cheap house prices lure mainland buyers to the US

Beijing lawyer Ying Guohua is heading to the United States on a shopping trip, looking not for designer clothes or jewellery, but for a US$1 million home in New York City or Los Angeles.

CCTV employee among 12 held over fire

Beijing police said on Thursday they had detained a senior staff member at China’s state television station and 11 other people over a fireworks show that set part of its new headquarters ablaze.

Beijing tests the waters to make yuan a liquid, convertible currency

While cynics scoff at the idea that the yuan could someday become a regional or global currency, Beijing’s efforts to push loans and trade in yuan in Asia suggest it is taking the first, albeit tiny, step in that direction.

Beijing to bail out shipping industry

Firms ordered to shelve new dockyard plans

Olympics spending still not inspected, audit chief says

Doubt remains over whether Games stayed within budget

Foreign banks in China asked to lend more

Regulator tells them to boost lending to rural sector, SMEs

China works to avert another commodity spike

China, which triggered the biggest commodity price spike in a generation, is now making deals that could prevent another surge in the coming decade by helping finance new production during the low ebb of the cycle.

Office rents may plunge 30-40% in 2009: Savills

Rental recovery here can be seen from 2012 onwards

Plate-flip drivers say ‘Catch me if you can’

Shanghai’s traffic police are teaming up with the city’s business watchdog to catch motorists who use and shops that sell “plate flippers” - mechanical devices that hide a car’s true tag and allow drivers to speed and swerve with impunity.

SGX speeds up fund-raising from rights issues

Measures a response to current volatile market, tight credit conditions

S-chips languish as Shanghai booms

Investors still avoiding Singapore-listed China firms despite repeated ‘buy’ calls

Firms shed jobs in China

Multinational companies are hiring less or cutting existing staff in China as they struggle through the global economic crisis, state media said on Friday.

Chery launches hybrid car

Chery Automobile Co, China’s largest homegrown carmaker, has debuted a new plug-in hybrid model that it says can run up to 150km on a single charge.

UBS refuses US demand

Swiss banking giant UBS has refused a US government demand to provide information on 52,000 US clients, requested in a lawsuit filed earlier in the day as part of a tax fraud investigation.

Nationalization is inevitable – U.S. should get on with it

Like it or not, the United States will be required to nationalize large swaths of its banking system by the time the leaves fall from the trees in Washington.

Don’t paper over cracks with paper losses

It’s time to review what caused them and ascertain what needs fixing

It’s a Bit Early to Say China’s on the Rebound

Those hoping for China to make a quick exit from the ongoing international economic slump might do well to read an article publish 71 years ago by one Mao Zedong.

Beijing takes first step to regionalise yuan

While cynics scoff at the idea that the yuan could someday become a regional or global currency, China’s efforts to push loans and trade in yuan in Asia suggest it is taking the first, albeit tiny, step in that direction.

Beijing demands return of Saint Laurent treasuresc

Beijing has demanded the return of looted imperial bronzes scheduled to be sold in Paris as part of the estate auction of the late French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent.

Banks in better shape for new lending spree

Business-minded managers may help avert pitfalls

Asia’s capital markets are hopelessly inefficient

Asia has better than world-class savings but a truly ‘third world’ system for collecting and investing them, however efficient payment and settlement may be.

Chinese professional women work as nannies, maids

She majored in English and loved her job as an office worker in China’s once-booming export industry. But now Xiong Xuhua is jobless and in training to be a housekeeper, a fate she is too embarrassed to tell even her husband about.

Chinese professional women work as nannies, maids

She majored in English and loved her job as an office worker in China’s once-booming export industry. But now Xiong Xuhua is jobless and in training to be a housekeeper, a fate she is too embarrassed to tell even her husband about.

Sibor dives, but home loan rates go up

Most banks have raised their spreads to make up for increased risk and higher capital costs

More mainland rate cuts risky, warns central bank official

Cutting mainland’s interest rates further would be risky and might not help the economy, the head of the central bank’s research department said on Thursday.

CEOs less popular than politicians

Company bosses are less popular than bankers, lawyers or members of the US Congress, according to a survey by pollsters Rasmussen.

UBS signals the end of the secret Swiss bank account

In the hush-hush world of Swiss banking, the unthinkable is happening: Secrets are spilling into the open.

Chen Shui-bian's ex-treasurer pleads guilty in graft trial

A treasurer to former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) yesterday pleaded guilty to graft and money-laundering charges, while prosecutors named another high-profile businessperson as a defendant in a long-running corruption case implicating the former head of state.

Shanghai and Shenzhen will ease residency rules to attract talent

Shanghai and Shenzhen have announced plans to make it easier for workers from other parts of the mainland to gain permanent residency.

Beijing wants YSL bronzes removed

The art world is waiting with bated breath for next week’s sale of works owned by French fashion icon Yves Saint Laurent and his partner, but China is fuming about the inclusion of two imperial bronzes.

Chavez offers to meet China’s oil needs for next 200 years

Mr. Chavez said in an address to the Chinese delegation: “All the oil China needs for the next 200 years, it’s here. It’s in Venezuela.”

Chavez offers to meet China’s oil needs for next 200 years

Mr. Chavez said in an address to the Chinese delegation: “All the oil China needs for the next 200 years, it’s here. It’s in Venezuela.”

Chinese Firms Turn to Pawn Shops as Loans Dry Up

Turned away by banks caught in the credit crunch, Roger, like many Chinese businessmen, borrows from pawn shops instead. In this case, he paid off the loan a few days later when a customer made payment on a big steel purchase.

In Shanghai, Falling Housing Lending Mirrors Falling Real Estate Market

Personal housing lending in Shanghai has been dropping month by month. According to a report released by the Shanghai Banking Regulatory Bureau on the real estate market and real estate credit in Shanghai in 2008, housing credit growth of domestic and overseas banks in Shanghai was 14 percentage points lower for the year.

Local Governments to Issue Bonds despite Heavy Debts

With both central and local governments’ fiscal income on the slide, Beijing is to allow local governments to issue bonds, which may total around 200 billion yuan. Local governments are now reporting the amount of debt they plan to issue to the Ministry of Finance and the National Development and Reform Commission.

RMB Rumour Briefly Roils Markets before Denials

China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) insisted on Feb. 18 that its officials had not speculated about RMB’s possible depreciation to 7 against the dollar, knowing that any rumour about RMB depreciation before US Secretary of State Clinton’s visit to China would put the cat among the pigeons.

Overseas Investment Deals Mired in Disputes

Chinese overseas investors who tallied huge losses in recent months have sued London-based Standard Chartered Bank (China) Ltd. in its position as the largest provider of Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (QDII) investment products.

No Capital Flight from China

Chinese officials admitted to a small increase in capital outflow but see no evidence of a massive exit.

China, Russia Ink Oil Loan Agreement

Months of tortured negotiations ended February 17 with the signing of seven agreements that guarantee oil for China and loans for two Russian firms.

Healthcare Reform is on the Way

Rising healthcare expenditures and continued “brain drain” of rural clinics underscore the urgent need for healthcare reform in China.

Employment Prioritized in Guangdong

Balancing social stability with economic growth, Guangdong embarks on a surprise new strategy to increase employment in 2009.

Association, Regulators Spar Over Additive

A Guangdong trade association is fuelling the safety controversy over OMP, an ingredient added to some Mengniu milk.

Merrill Lynch 2008 Bonus

Report by Attorney General of State of New York

The Blame Game

President Obama spoke eloquently about responsibility. This is what solving the problem all is about. Instead of blaming someone else and asking for assistance, everyone must cut back to help the economy to live within its means. Spending too much got the U.S. into trouble. Spending more won’t get it out of its problem.

Thursday 19 February 2009

CSRC Introduces Internal Election Process

A unique election at China’s securities regulatory agency has been held to fill three, mid-level executive positions.

Malaysian politics in turmoil

Malaysia’s prime minister accused the opposition on Thursday of insulting the royalty - potentially a seditious act - in a deepening political tussle over the control of a northern state.

Perak Cabinet suspended

A state parliament has suspended its chief minister and his Cabinet in an unexpected twist to an escalating political crisis gripping Malaysia’s opposition, the ruling coalition and the royalty.

Cops on junket charged

Two police officers who allegedly accepted a free trip to Taiwan were charged on Thursday with conduct prejudicial to the good order and discipline of the police force.

Ex-cop on 12 graft charges

A former policeman was charged in court on Thursday with 12 counts of corruptly accepting sex and $7,000 from an unlicensed massage parlour operator.

Could little-known banking law fix this mess?

A former director of the Atlanta Fed’s research department says troubled banks should be taken over under a law that dates back to the S&L crisis

Bad Start for Bank Reporting Season in Hong Kong

Bank of East Asia Ltd., the Hong Kong lender that suffered a brief run on deposits in September, had its first loss in at least four decades after writing down the value of credit-market investments.

Greenspan Defends Himself

Defending himself now suggest that the market could be turning for the worse and that he does not want to associate himself as being the root of all the problems when he was in office.

Beijing to use forex reserves to grow economy

Beijing will increasingly use its US$2 trillion in foreign exchange reserves to support domestic growth and to finance the overseas expansion of Chinese companies, senior officials said yesterday.

Beware hostile forces: unionist

They may stir up trouble among China’s jobless

Two independent directors of Advance SCT resign

Two independent directors (IDs) of copper recycling firm Advance SCT have resigned, accusing the management of lack of cooperation to help them discharge their duties.

UIC adviser says UOL’s $1.20 a share offer not fair

The independent financial adviser appointed by United Industrial Corp (UIC) to evaluate a takeover bid from UOL Group said in a Feb 17 circular to shareholders that UOL’s offer price of $1.20 a share is ‘not fair’.

Are analysts still underestimating risks?

Granted, an analyst’s job is never easy; in the first place, it is human nature to try to avoid bad news for as long as possible and, on a more practical level, to avoid being too negative on a company’s prospects as you then run the risk of being denied contact with the company’s senior management or being barred from analyst briefings.

Chinese turning to Tibetan Buddhism

Ethnic Han turning to Tibetan doctrine for guidance

Managing investor relations during tough times

As we enter the peak financial reporting season, a strange silence seems to have descended on Singapore’s corporate firmament. There is none of the usual race to be among the first to release results for the 2008 financial year (ending December).

Class action looms for financial institutions

Investors of soured investments plan to go to court in April

Warning signs as investors pile into Chinese stock market

Trading accounts double to 427,460 in a week despite analysts’ warnings

Starbucks focuses on value with new instant coffee

Starbucks Corp spent years convincing consumers to spend more on its espresso-based drinks. Now it’s trying to show cash-strapped coffee drinkers they can find deals as well.

Texan financier Allen Stanford charged with massive fraud

Texas billionaire Allen Stanford and three of his companies were charged with 'massive' fraud on Tuesday as federal agents swooped on his US headquarters.

Greenspan urges bank nationalisation

The US government may have to temporarily nationalise the country’s banks until the sector is reformed, the former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, has said.

Bankrupt charge stains Trump name

Mr Trump defaulted in November, arguing that he should not have to pay over US$330m because the economic crisis constitutes a force majeure

Berkshire portfolio down 25%

Financial meltdown hurts Warren Buffett’s holding company in the fourth quarter.

UBS admits helping tax evaders

Swiss banking giant agrees to pay $780 million and hand over account information after helping U.S. clients evade the IRS.

The Oracle Sells America

Struggling. I’m struggling this morning with some of the things that Warren Buffett is doing with his cash these days. I am struggling because he is selling America, selling Johnson & Johnson, selling ConocoPhillips and selling U.S. Bancorp.

Property buyers hit a bump on sliding valuations

Banks slash loan amounts before disbursing them

US-Goldman falls after CNBC report on margins

CNBC reports that several GS partners had leveraged GS stock to buy alternative investments, and are now being forced to borrow money to cover margin calls following stock declines. Says GS is now in the awkward position of making margin calls on their own partners, who can’t meet those margin calls.

China’s banks misused $1b

Chinese banks and other financial institutions embezzled or misappropriated hundreds of millions of dollars last year, the country’s top auditor said on Thursday.

China’s Stock Rally to Falter on “Non-Existent” Profit, Andy Xie

China’s stocks rally that’s made the Shanghai Composite Index the world’s best performer this year will falter as profits are “non-existent,” according to independent economist Andy Xie.

No kissing, we’re British

A man in a hat and a woman with a curly-looking hair-do puckering up show people where they must not indulge in full-on lip-locking

AG Walter Woon: AG's Chambers not a “complaints bureau”

Well-known for his sincerity in dealing with the media, Attorney-General Professor Walter Woon said that he’ll comment on anything as long as this does not hurt the parties involved.

Criminal Law Act needed to tackle gangs and drugs

There should be more transparency lest it be open to abused by those people in power.

Britain’s AAA credit rating threatened by scale of bank bail-out

Britain could be stripped of its prized AAA credit rating as a result of the Government’s latest bank bail-out, potentially jeopardising any economic recovery, according to rating agency Standard & Poor’s.

US economy to get worse

The Federal Reserve warned on Wednesday that the crippled US economy is even worse than thought and predicted it would deteriorate throughout 2009, with no sign that the housing market will stabilise.

Failure to save East Europe will lead to worldwide meltdown

The unfolding debt drama in Russia, Ukraine, and the EU states of Eastern Europe has reached acute danger point.

Mainlanders see inferno as just deserts for domineering CCTV

The spectacular fire that gutted the high-rise Mandarin Oriental building attached to China Central Television’s new iconic headquarters one week ago still remains the talk of the town in the capital.

Foreign investors win head start in A-shares

Foreign institutional investors made a rosy start on the A-share market this year, outperforming mainland mutual funds last month, fund data provider Lipper reported.

China to crack down on unlicensed cabs

China has announced a nationwide crackdown on unlicensed taxis in a bid to stem cab strikes that have paralysed cities in the past year.

Beijing may set up fund to buy resources

Oil industry report says government could tap foreign reserves for overseas acquisitions

Mobile chargers to go universal

Get a new mobile phone - and toss yet another old, incompatible phone charger.

Off-peak cars get more luxurious

Trend towards public transport for weekdays, fancy cars for leisure

Police officer kills man in off-duty brawl

A Yunnan police officer has been detained on suspicion of voluntary manslaughter after he killed an unarmed man in an off-duty brawl, triggering a public outcry on the mainland, Xinhua reported yesterday.

Yuan could fall to 6.95 to 7 per dollar, says official

Yuan is not facing pressure to strengthen but could instead weaken to about 6.95 to 7 per US dollar, a senior economic planning official was quoted on Tuesday as saying, sending the yuan down in the offshore forwards market.

Watch Out! Here Come Trade Protectionists

The U.S. government’s call to ‘buy American’ is bound to sting some Chinese exporters, as well as the world’s open market.

Watch Out! Here Come Trade Protectionists

The U.S. government’s call to ‘buy American’ is bound to sting some Chinese exporters, as well as the world’s open market.

‘It’s been a long time since anybody mentioned war’

Only landmines remain from the 1979 Vietnam invasion

Society has turned its back on us, say army veterans

But in the days leading up to the 30th anniversary of the Sino-Vietnamese war a group of veterans, including “fighting heroes” and the children of PLA generals, claimed that society had left them behind and their government had forgotten them.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

“Big Five” Power Firms Squeezing Coal Prices by Threatening Global Purchasing

State-owned power companies and coal companies are at war over coal prices

Mrs. Hillary Clinton Reprioritizes US-China Relations

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s forthcoming arrival in Beijing ironically confirms that the Strategic Economic Dialogue, long championed by Secretary of Treasury Henry Paulson has taken a back seat.

‘Buy Local’ mandate

Chinese provinces are scrambling to try to shore up local firms through mandates to buy locally, in a sign that the protectionism economists have warned about is not just an international issue.

VW’s Shanghai JV cuts prices

European automaker Volkswagen’s car venture in Shanghai has slashed prices by up to nearly 12 per cent to lure buyers into the showroom.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Phillip’s OTC unit to review business model

Cost structure is one issue, says head of OTC Capital

Jewellery firm Aspial goes into pawnbroking business

Group secures one licence and is applying for another four

Underwriters shy away from smaller firms

Their rights issues come with higher risk, say bankers

China Digs Deeper for ‘San Nong’ Reform

Having taken the easy steps toward rural reform, the nation now faces its toughest challenge: Assuring livelihoods for farmers.

Need for floating oil storage gets more pressing

Land-scarce Singapore’s push to build floating structures for oil and petrochemical storage is becoming more pressing, with the government now identifying potential offshore sites.

Signs of China stimulus package working

Economy seeing good growth in corporate, household credit

World Bank charts Singapore’s rise from slums to world city

Institutional reform was key, says World Development Report

Goldman’s reputation tainted

For years, you were golden if you hired someone from Goldman Sachs.

The murky world of real estate practices

‘Secret profit’ case sheds some light on the agent-agency relationship

Spurned mistress’ last act

A married Chinese tycoon who could no longer afford to support his five mistresses during the economic slowdown held a contest to decide which one to keep, local media reported on Tuesday.

Singapore’s GIC losses about $50 billion: sources

Spokesman: No comment on “speculative reports”.

Hedge funds face new redemptions

Hedge funds are facing a second round of redemptions after several big investors hit by Bernard Madoff’s alleged $50bn fraud began liquidating portfolios, according to some of the world’s biggest hedge fund managers.

China Loans Diverted to Stocks, Fuelling Rally, Shenyin Says

Chinese companies may be using record bank lending to invest in stocks, fuelling a rally that’s made the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index the world’s best performer this year, according to Shenyin & Wanguo Securities Co.

Trump Entertainment files for Chapter 11

Donald Trump’s casino group, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Tuesday, court documents show.

Chinese ‘DreamWorks’ set up

HONG Kong director Peter Chan Ho-sun has teamed up with China’s largest private movie company to create a new film studio that they have dubbed a Chinese ‘DreamWorks’.

Why right to vote not spelt out

The Constitutional Commission of 1966 had good reasons to recommend that the right to vote be entrenched in the Constitution but those reasons no longer hold.

Price War Developing Between Beijing Housing Builders

“Experts predict the real estate market will rebound by the end of 2009. If it does not, the situation will be worse than it is now, so developers are choosing to sell as many apartments as possible in the first half of the year,” explained a sales supervisor of a well-known property company.

GIC lost 41%? Accountability please!

We have paid millions of dollars to PAP ministers annually for such mediocre performance which result in such losses that benefits no Singaporeans at all.

Monday 16 February 2009

IPO candidates challenged by volatile market

Firms in the West consider using Dutch auction system to conduct offerings

The real thing - or pie in the sky again?

Magazine publisher Lexicon recently announced a $160 million reverse takeover (RTO), making it the first such deal this year.

Unemployment surges worldwide

Global job losses could hit 50 million by the end of 2009, says the ILO

Money markets still not ready to nurture economy

Banks remain laden with dubious debts they accumulated

Reit managers fail to get payouts trimmed

Move to cut payout ratio flops as investors demand certainty: sources

Wall Street desperate for details of bank rescue plan

Vagueness from new administration will keep markets down and listless

Looking for clues to the turnaround

It is followed by at least 2 quarters of change in the same direction: economist

Buoyant property launches defy poor economy

New developments Caspian and Alexis report brisk sales, add buzz to market

China’s ‘next leader’ in hardline rant

Xi Jinping, the man earmarked to become China’s next president, has roundly attacked his country’s critics while giving a speech in Mexico.

Men really do see half naked women as ‘objects’, scientists claim

Some men really do see scantily clad women as “objects”, claim scientists.

‘Buy Indonesian’ order

Indonesian civil servants will be ordered to buy locally made products for everything from clothes to movies under rules intended to boost demand amid the global economic crisis, a senior official said on Monday.

CFOs gone too soon

Study finds one in 3 finance chiefs goes after less than a year in the job

Lease buyback: A mindset issue

Mass effort needed at grassroots level to help elderly accept the idea

Self-regulation isn’t enough: property agents

Stricter rules are needed to protect the public from unscrupulous real estate agents

Large U.S. banks on edge of insolvency

Some of the large banks in the United States, according to economists and other finance experts, are like dead men walking.

New loans soar on mainland as money supply growth accelerates

New loans on the mainland surged at a record pace last month and money supply expanded fast as banks heeded Beijing’s call to loosen lending to battle the economic slowdown.

New wildlife draw: River safari ready in 2011

Singapore will get another top-drawer tourist attraction in 2011, when a $140 million river safari theme park will be completed.

Nissan targets 4.6pc sales growth in mainland

Nissan, Japan’s third-largest carmaker, said on Thursday it aimed to expand its vehicle sales in the mainland by 4.6 per cent from last year to 570,000 units this year.

Senior CCTV official may face charges for fire

However, questions remained unanswered yesterday over how it was possible for the show to have been recorded by four high-resolution cameras without the knowledge of senior staff, and how a department head such as Xu could have authorised a 1 million yuan fireworks show this year - the third in a row - without approval from higher authorities.

Silver Lining for Local Government Bonds

Local governments have long sought permission to raise money through bonds. The economic crisis is giving them a new chance.

Sing $ seen weakening against US$ in H2: Nomura

MAS may shift its policy mid-point lower in April

Don’t force banks to undertake high risk at low rates

However, it is unrealistic to require Chinese banks to take high risks or serve the public unconditionally, given that they are unable to fend off risks associated with financial innovation.

You won’t get fleeced at the flea market

Every weekend, there are probably dozens of flea markets underway in the city - they may be even more crowded because of the current financial recession. Some are specialized, some offer soup to nuts.

Pros and cons of extended settlement trading

Before you plunge into Extended Settlement (ES) contracts, be warned that the product is not for every retail investor. Financial experts caution that it is more suited for short-term traders with higher risk appetites, and for sophisticated traders.

When to settle stock deals? It’s your call

Extended settlement gives investors more flexibility in making short and long trades

Strip club boss earns more than bankers’ US$500,000 limit

Half a million dollars may not buy a seasoned banking executive these days

Tapping China’s huge reserves carries risks

Beijing has to consider inflation and exchange rate stability

Tibetan areas ‘closed to foreigners’

Authorities are tightening its grip on Tibetan areas in the western part of the country by banning foreigners from the region ahead of the politically sensitive 50th anniversary of a failed Tibetan uprising.

Trial Exposes Trafficking at Beijing Airport

The apprehension of Air China passengers trying to sneak into Canada led authorities to a smuggling ring at Beijing’s airport.

Sunday 15 February 2009

1 in 2 students ‘afraid of graduating’

Some who had nailed cushy bank jobs even before graduation get regret letters

Singapore makes best global impression

When it comes to making a good impression, no one does it better than Singapore.

How investors were dazzled by Sunshine

The impressive office, agents in suits and the charisma of ‘Lao Da’ ensured investors’ trust

Saying ‘I do’ to prenups

Lawyers expect more couples to sign such pacts after recent court ruling

Why buy when you can rent?

Bags, toys, maternity clothes and even dogs are now being offered

US and China need each other: Hillary

Secretary of State softens her hawkish image with assurances to allies and rivals ahead of Asia trip

Weak brands may stall following COE quota cut

24% reduction may see premiums rise; this could hurt cheaper cars while popular ones cruise

Age no barrier for young judges on mainland

Jurists as young as 30 share their view of an improving legal system

Censors delete vice-president’s jibe

Media outlets told to exclude Xi Jinping’s comments about foreigners

Best to maintain a short-term trading view to survive

There’s not a lot we can add to the assessment given in last week’s column (and the dozens that preceded it over the past year) that this is a market eminently suited to short-term traders who buy selectively into the dips but sell immediately into strength.

Guangdong’s economy to grow by only 8.5pc

Province sees slowest expansion in 30 years