Saturday 15 December 2007

Judge explains why he acquitted road rage accused

... a judge has to be a detached adjudicator and the prosecution has to prove its case. 'The that having formed a position, a judge's ability dispassionately to consider the evidence is compromised.'

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Friday 14 December 2007

Men hunt, Women gather

Men on a mission, women on an adventure when shopping
Read on...

Who The Boss Is, Is Important

China Eastern Airlines Down 11.4%; Who The Boss Is, Is Important

Wednesday 12 December 2007

Banks Raise Loss Estimates

Problems like this still hanging over the market.
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Famous People

I found myself in the picture, so is Bruce Lee!
Can you name the other personalities in the picture?

Sunset at the North Pole

Sunset at the North Pole where the moon at its closest point. You can see the sun below the moon.

Today 12 Dec 2007

Market was disappointed with 1/4 point rate cut. So it is a sell on news. But is this a buying opportunity? I am inclined to believe so. We may be near the trough of the Bradley turning point.

THE SCEPTIC: The Sovereign Fund Is My Friend

LONDON (Dow Jones)--The world’s biggest banks and other financial institutions are showing scant regard for the concerns governments and regulators have about sovereign wealth funds and their growing influence in developed economies.

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Inside the mind of a serial seducer

This bachelor’s dating secret? Not being ‘manipulated’ by a woman

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Why the penny stocks can't sustain any meaningful rally recently?

  1. Market talk is that total contra losses for traders and retailers since August is about $200m.
  2. Many accounts are still suspended, waiting for contra losses to be settled.
  3. Many margin accounts’ value has dropped more than 30-50%.
  4. Loss of confidence in the market to sustain any rise; either staying out of the market completely or trading at very much smaller sizes.
  5. Many drivers are also hurt, and having to resort to rolling over their positions.
  6. Many people are on holiday.

Conclusion is penny stock market is very dry now - no liquidity.

Recession Coming?

Several indicators suggest that a recession is likely getting under way. Even if we don't have a recession, weaker economic activity has certainly been weighing on a lot of companies, not to mention the minds and buying habits of investors.

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13 reasons Bush’s bailout won’t stop recession

Like the tide, recessions are natural, healthy, positive ... and inevitable

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